Safely Stopping Antidepressants
Nurse practitioner support to safely taper off antidepressants in Ontario
To receive.
One way I’ve learned to feel phenomenal as a woman? Receive
Filling Ourselves
In creating the space to replenish ourselves, we realize the fullness of our being and the power we hold.
The he importance of grounding - especially when we’re following a dream.
Accepting Help
When we allow ourselves to accept freely, we can then give freely. We are open rather than constricted.
Opposing Emotions
It’s listening to the dichotomy of opposing emotions rather than fighting to rid ourselves of them that is key in moving forward powerfully and with fullness of being.
Learning to express what we’re used to holding back.
There’s an imposed obligation to restrain ourselves. But what happens if we let that go?
Prioritizing Yourself
When not caring about what others think doesn’t seem realistic, try focusing on prioritizing yourself.
A time to let go. And a time to expand.
Post-Pandemic Anxiety
Resistance as a root cause of pain. And acceptance as its antithesis.