Opposing Emotions

Sometimes we think we have to feel only positive emotions and snuff out the negative ones. 

Maybe we have the courage to try a new experience but our heart is pounding and palms are sweating the whole time.

We feel like we’re failing. Like we’re being controlled by the fear. But in actuality - this is normal. This is the way it works. 

If we stayed in our comfort zones we’d feel safe and comfortable but that’s when we’d  be controlled by fear. 

Fear is often louder than courage bc it’s uncomfortable. But if you’re out there doing the thing - you’re being fed by the courage. 

Next time you’re being overwhelmed by the fear, try telling it “I hear you - thanks for trying to protect me. But now I want to hear what the courage has to say.”  

And imagine it. Literally. Give a physical shape to both the fear and the courage. When you talk to the fear, imagine talking to that shape. And when you open yourself to the courage, bring your attention to its shape. 

Allow space for both. They are both there to serve you in some way. And then you get to decide which one you want to give more attention to❤️


Accepting Help


Learning to express what we’re used to holding back.