
When we’re following a dream, it’s easy to get overwhelmed in the bigness of it. It’s exciting and on the flip side it’s scary. When we think to the future and the bigness of it, it can look insurmountable. We see the cliffs and jagged edges on our climb up the mountain. We see the danger. But when we look to the ground in front of us, putting one foot in front of the other, it’s doable.

We thrive with practices that root us into the present. Meditation, yoga, qigong - this can look different for everyone. But each time we sit or move in a practice, we’re deepening those roots. We’re securing ourselves in the present - In the knowing of the fullness of who we are and in the intentional unveiling of our purpose.

When our roots are deep and strong and the winds of worry come, we are secure because we invested the time in ourselves, in nurturing and strengthening ourselves. That is the key. Yes there may be so much to do, so many tasks. But if we don’t focus on grounding ourselves, when the winds come, we get caught up in them. In the energy of fear and overwhelm. We react rather than anticipate. We feel powerless rather than secure in the knowing that the power is within us.

We can have inspiring conversations, a beautiful gathering, a knowledge of our power and purpose and fullness - all these bring us into our light and nourish our roots. But unless we have a daily practice to BE in these knowings, they are surface deep rather than integrated. Consistency is key.

What can you incorporate into your day to ground and secure you in the present?


Filling Ourselves


Accepting Help