Accepting Help

Many of us have a hard time accepting help from others. Whether we feel bad for imposing on others, feel like we should be able to hand it ourselves, or want the satisfaction of saying we did it on our own. 

Both asking for and accepting help can be tough. But not being open to help has repercussions that affect ourselves, our relationships and our overall view of the world. 

When we don’t accept support, we have trouble giving support. We may give it sparingly or with conditions and limits. We are not free and open to share our gifts with others. Emphasis: we are not free and open.

By not accepting help, we cut ourselves off from others. We are all intrinsically connected and by closing ourselves off to others, we are consciously or unconsciously creating a kink in that connection. 

Relationships thrive on a constant flow of energy. Giving and receiving. It must go both ways. It can be obvious that if we only take and don’t give, it will create a rift. But not as obvious is that giving without receiving also creates a rift. 

When we allow ourselves to accept freely, we can then give freely. We are open rather than constricted. 

And that energy flows and spirals around us. If I’m open to people about needing support on a health concern, for example, I will feel full and supported in that area. And if I then meet someone else with a similar health concern, I will be enthused to share the support I had received.

In this way, we nurture the connection with those we are already close with, as well as expand our circle of impact further around us. 

In what area can you open yourself to more support from others?




Opposing Emotions