To receive.

Nicole Argo-Ma is a nurse practitioner and psychotherapist in Toronto specializing in women's health and empowerment

One way I’ve learned to feel phenomenal as a woman? Receive.

Receiving was often hard for me, as for many women. And the layers behind it are multifold – am I worthy? Will it make me look incompetent or less self-sufficient? Is the gifter in a place to responsibly give this? 

There’s layer after layer and it’s easy to get caught in the weeds.

And while I love looking at root causes and engaging in the deeper work with myself, sometimes it feels great to just let go of all of it. To not overthink it. And to just…be a little more open…a little more receptive✨

To allow the gifts to come my way and to enjoy receiving them. To BASK in them. And when I let go of all the rest and bask in the receiving – it feels incredible. And free.

 And it’s changing not only me, but my relationship with those around me—those I know and those I don’t. It’s opening the door of connection, the flow of energy between us. It’s allowing someone else to experience the same joy I get from giving (and sparing them from the letdown I feel when someone doesn’t accept or brushes past my gift)

So, if you’re looking for me, I’ll be over here opening my heart and allowing myself to receive. Loving the softness of it, the honour it is to receive and the honour it is to honour myself.


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