Virtual Services

Nurse Practitioner

Our initial 60 minute appointment together will begin with a thorough health history, where we’ll go over what brought you in to see me. I’ll ask an array of questions at this time to ensure we paint a detailed picture and understand what might be at the root of your presenting symptoms. Following this, we’ll discuss a treatment plan, which may include blood work, imaging (including ultrasounds, x-rays, bone density scans, MRIs), supplemental recommendations, prescription medication (through either conventional or compounding pharmacies) and/or referrals to specialist providers. 30 minute follow up appointments will build on our treatment plan and consider new symptoms or improvements that present.

While I have a general practice that encompasses both women and men above 16 years of age, I primarily focus on safe antidepressant tapering and women’s health.

I take an integrative approach to healing. I believe that our bodies are highly adaptable and wired for healing, and this mindset dictates my approach to support your body to carry out the functions it was intended to do. We will look at lifestyle modifications and supplementation that can support your body in coming back into balance. This is done in conjunction with a conventional approach that may include treatment options such as prescription medications, to ensure a holistic level of healing.


During each 50 minute appointment, we explore what brought you in to see me at a pace that feels comfortable and safe for you. 

With a background in humanistic psychotherapy, I focus on connecting with you as a person and through the relationship we create, hold the space to for your true, wise and powerful self to come to surface. As we foster this connection with your true self, the answers that are already within have the freedom and confidence to present themselves, and we learn to integrate these into your day to day life.

Because of its profound level of healing, much of my work focuses on Internal Family Systems (IFS), an evidence-based approach that helps you understand and navigate both your inner and outer worlds by exploring different parts of yourself. The idea is that behind every pattern or behaviour, is a younger part of you. This part either developed out of a hurt it experienced or is protecting a part of you that was previously hurt from getting hurt again. Together, we connect with your true self and meet these parts with curiosity, compassion and openness, helping them to release the burdens they have been carrying. We integrate this healing into your present day life, creating palpable shifts and lasting change.

Hypnotherapy is another powerful approach that allows us to dip below the surface of your conscious mind and into the depth of who you are. During hypnotherapy, which can be described as a guided meditation with a specific purpose, we connect deeply with your unconscious mind and true self. We create change at a deeper level, and allow that change to ripple out into your day-to-day life. 

Through our work together, we focus on you as a whole - integrating mind, body and spirit. Our work together and approaches we use will be guided by your needs, goals and desires. 


Coaching is offered in bundles of five sessions, each 50 minutes long and ideally spaced out every one to two weeks.

I created this offering as a bundle rather than individual sessions because it allows us to focus on the journey rather than on a moment in time.

While we can make progress and breakthroughs, come up with goals and insights, in a single session — that is just the beginning. I’ve had clients realize beautiful dreams and goals in our first session, feel alive and inspired, but when putting in the steps to shift into that dream, find themselves lacking motivation or insight. They may start to wander, not sure where to focus their attention. Limiting beliefs start to come up that didn’t present themselves at the beginning but are oh so loud once people start moving and trusting themselves. These can be difficult to manage on their own and I, both personally and with clients, have seen the power of ongoing support when on the path toward realizing a goal.

During our sessions, we clarify your goals and work together to create bitesized pieces that focus on each next step on the journey. I bring emphasis to the inner journey — thoughts, feelings, beliefs, intentions — as I’ve found this is where the true power behind the idea lies. It’s when we balance the being and the doing, the energetic and the tangible, that we create and sustain true change. I incorporate meditation as a way to connect more deeply within and to the energy around us, to feel the power and immenseness of the world beyond what we can see, and to trust that we are held in the flow and connection of all life.